Agile Travel Data Architects

Senior Management

Olivier Henry-Biabaud

Olivier Henry-Biabaud

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Olivier founded TCI Research in 2010 as a way of combining his passion for travel with his 20+ years’ experience in research and data intelligence acquired in global companies. As a specialist in the visitor experience and destination reputation, he has worked for 100+ international and local destinations and travel brands. He is a regular speaker at travel international forums and President of the Europe Chapter of TTRA (Tourism and Travel Research Association). He was awarded Best Travel Market Research CEO 2017 by the EU Business News Agency.

Emmanuel Meunier

Emmanuel Meunier

Partner, VP Europe

Emmanuel joined TCI Research in 2012 and is based in France. He has a track record of 20+ years as a Market Research professional and developed research solutions and marketing consultancy in innovation, branding and digital marketing for major clients in the Tourism, Leisure and Entertainment areas. He is a specialist of digital effectiveness measurement (website, cross-media ad campaign including display, social media, community management) and in market segmentation for various travel sectors (Cruising, Outdoor, Urban...).

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